How successful was roosevelt in persuading his listeners to agree with his point of view? do you think this speech was successful? write a paragraph in which you tell whether or not this speech was successful and why.

Question: How successful was roosevelt in persuading his listeners to agree with his point of view? do you think this speech was successful? write a paragraph in which you tell whether or not this speech was successful and why.

Roosevelt was very successful in persuading his listeners to agree with his point of view. He used various rhetorical strategies, such as ethos, pathos, logos, and repetition, to appeal to his audience and convince them of his arguments. He also used a clear and confident tone, and addressed the main concerns and questions of his listeners. He made them feel that he was on their side, and that he had a vision for the future of the nation.

I think this speech was successful because it achieved its purpose of rallying the public behind Roosevelt's policies and goals. It also inspired hope and courage in a time of crisis and uncertainty. It was one of the most memorable and influential speeches in American history, and it shaped the course of the New Deal and World War II.

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