Susan wants to study prejudice, attraction, how we explain our own behavior versus how we explain the behavior of others, and how we resolve interpersonal conflicts. susan should conduct research in the area of ________.

Question: Susan wants to study prejudice, attraction, how we explain our own behavior versus how we explain the behavior of others, and how we resolve interpersonal conflicts. susan should conduct research in the area of ________.

If you are interested in understanding human behavior and relationships, you might want to consider a career in social psychology. Social psychology is the scientific study of how people think, feel, and act in social situations. Some of the topics that social psychologists investigate include prejudice, attraction, how we explain our own behavior versus how we explain the behavior of others, and how we resolve interpersonal conflicts.

Susan wants to study these topics and more. She is fascinated by how people interact with each other and how they influence each other's attitudes and actions. She wants to conduct research that can help improve people's well-being and reduce social problems. Susan should conduct research in the area of social psychology.

In this blog post, we will introduce you to some of the main concepts and methods of social psychology, and show you some examples of how social psychologists apply their knowledge to real-world issues. We will also give you some tips on how to pursue a career in social psychology, and what skills and qualifications you need to succeed in this field.

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