The high proportion of women and children among the workers reflected in the table is best seen in the context of the?

Question: The high proportion of women and children among the workers reflected in the table is best seen in the context of the?

The high proportion of women and children among the workers reflected in the table is best seen in the context of the industrial revolution. The table shows that in 1841, more than half of the workers in cotton mills were female, and about a quarter were under 15 years old. This was a result of the demand for cheap and flexible labor in the new factories that emerged during the period of rapid economic and social change. Women and children were often preferred by employers because they could be paid lower wages, work longer hours, and be more easily controlled than adult men. The table also reveals the regional differences in the distribution of workers, with Lancashire having the highest percentage of female and child labor, and Scotland having the lowest. This may reflect the different levels of industrialization, population density, and availability of alternative occupations in each area.

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