The motel where dr. king was assassinated later became what?

Question: The motel where dr. king was assassinated later became what?

This is a question that many people may wonder about, especially those who are interested in the history of the civil rights movement and the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The answer is that the motel where Dr. King was fatally shot on April 4, 1968, in Memphis, Tennessee, was transformed into a museum and a national historic site.

The motel, originally named the Lorraine Motel, was owned by Walter Bailey and his wife Loree. It was one of the few places in Memphis that welcomed black guests, and it became a hub for many prominent figures of the civil rights movement, such as Ralph Abernathy, Andrew Young, Jesse Jackson, and of course, Dr. King.

Dr. King stayed at the Lorraine Motel several times, and he was there to support the sanitation workers' strike that was going on in Memphis at the time. He was planning to lead a march on April 5, but he never got the chance. He was standing on the balcony of room 306 when he was shot by James Earl Ray, a fugitive and a racist who had been stalking him for months.

Dr. King was rushed to the hospital, but he was pronounced dead at 7:05 p.m. His assassination sparked riots and protests across the country, and it marked a turning point in the civil rights movement. The Lorraine Motel became a crime scene and a shrine for mourners who came to pay their respects.

The motel continued to operate until 1982, when it faced bankruptcy and foreclosure. A group of local activists formed the Martin Luther King Memorial Foundation and raised funds to buy the motel and save it from demolition. They decided to turn it into a museum that would honor Dr. King's life and work, as well as the history of the civil rights movement in America.

The museum opened in 1991 as the National Civil Rights Museum, and it has since expanded to include several buildings and exhibits that tell the story of the struggle for racial equality from slavery to the present day. The museum also preserves room 306 and the balcony where Dr. King was shot, as well as room 307 where his associates were staying. Visitors can see these rooms through glass windows and listen to recordings of Dr. King's speeches.

The National Civil Rights Museum is not only a place of remembrance, but also a place of inspiration and education. It aims to promote social justice and human rights for all people, and to encourage dialogue and action on the issues that still affect our society today. The museum is a testament to Dr. King's vision of a world where people are judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.

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