Now let’s look that the graph for the ornithischia group. how did this mid-cretaceous event impact them?

Question: Now let’s look that the graph for the ornithischia group. how did this mid-cretaceous event impact them?

Now let’s look at the graph for the ornithischia group. How did this mid-Cretaceous event impact them? As you can see, the ornithischians experienced a sharp decline in diversity and abundance around 90 million years ago. This coincides with the emergence of flowering plants, which may have altered the food sources and habitats of these herbivorous dinosaurs. Some scientists also suggest that climate change, volcanic activity, or competition from other groups may have contributed to their decline. The ornithischians never recovered from this event and went extinct along with the rest of the non-avian dinosaurs at the end of the Cretaceous.

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