Explain the impact of river rejuvenation on the grading of a river?

Question: Explain the impact of river rejuvenation on the grading of a river?

River rejuvenation refers to the process where a river's erosive power is increased, often due to a fall in sea level or a rise in the land, which gives the river more energy to erode its bed and banks. This can lead to changes in the river's gradient, making it steeper in sections where active erosion occurs. As a result, the river may cut deeper into the landscape, exposing new layers of rock and soil, which can affect its sediment load and water quality. Rejuvenation can also lead to the formation of features such as knickpoints, terraces, and incised meanders. These changes can significantly alter the grading of a river, which is a measure of its ability to transport sediment and maintain a balance between erosion and deposition. A rejuvenated river is typically more graded, meaning it has a greater capacity to carry sediment downstream, potentially leading to changes in the river's course and the landscape through which it flows.

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