Explain why plate tectonics is a scientific theory and not a scientific law.

Question: Explain why plate tectonics is a scientific theory and not a scientific law.

Plate tectonics is classified as a scientific theory because it explains the "why" behind the phenomena of the Earth's moving crust. A scientific theory, such as the theory of plate tectonics, provides a comprehensive explanation for a range of observations and phenomena. It is supported by a substantial body of evidence and offers predictions that can be tested. In contrast, a scientific law describes a "what" — it is a statement that describes observable phenomena, often in the form of a mathematical equation, without explaining why they occur. Laws are typically concise descriptions of how elements of nature will behave under certain specific conditions. The theory of plate tectonics explains the mechanisms and reasons for the movement of Earth's plates and the effects such as earthquakes, volcanic activity, and mountain formation, which a law does not do.

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