look at the stock performance for nike. describe the trend in nike stock prices over the last year. what about the last 5 years?

Question: look at the stock performance for nike. describe the trend in nike stock prices over the last year. what about the last 5 years?

Over the past year, Nike's stock has experienced a downward trend, with a decrease of approximately 8.34% in 2024 from its opening price. The stock opened the year at around $106.16 and closed at $99.16 as of March 8, 2024. This decline follows a more significant drop of 29.04% in 2022. However, looking at the last five years, Nike's stock has seen fluctuations with an overall upward trajectory, culminating in an all-time high closing price of $172.49 on November 5, 2021. Despite recent declines, the five-year performance indicates a resilient and growing value over time.

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