What is the term used to describe a rotating column of air that forms over water and can cause high winds and heavy rain?

Question: What is the term used to describe a rotating column of air that forms over water and can cause high winds and heavy rain?

The term used to describe a rotating column of air that forms over water and can cause high winds and heavy rain is a "waterspout." Waterspouts are similar to tornadoes in that they are both rotating columns of air connected to a cumulus cloud, but waterspouts occur over bodies of water. They can be further classified into two types: tornadic waterspouts, which are essentially tornadoes that form over water and have the potential to move onshore, and fair-weather waterspouts, which typically form along the surface of the water and move upwards. While waterspouts are generally less powerful than tornadoes, they can still pose significant threats to boats, coastal areas, and marine life due to their high winds and potential to become tornadic if they move onto land.

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