Which of the following did stalin perceive as threatening to soviet interests after the war?

Question: Which of the following did stalin perceive as threatening to soviet interests after the war?

After World War II, Joseph Stalin perceived several developments as potential threats to Soviet interests. Historically, Stalin was wary of the Western powers, particularly the Americans and British, fearing a clash that could escalate into another conflict. He was also concerned about the spread of communism in Europe, hoping the Americans would withdraw and allow him more room for maneuver. However, the establishment of NATO and the Marshall Plan, which aimed to rebuild war-torn Europe and prevent the spread of communism, directly countered Soviet interests. Stalin's approach to foreign policy was complex; he sought to expand Soviet influence while avoiding direct military confrontation with the West. The Iron Curtain's descent and the subsequent Cold War were, in part, a result of Stalin's failed diplomacy and the Western powers' actions to contain Soviet expansion. Additionally, the rise of anti-communist forces in Germany and Japan posed a significant threat, leading Stalin to take preemptive actions against potential fifth columns within the USSR.

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