Briefly state how abuse of social media could lead to human rights violations?

Question: Briefly state how abuse of social media could lead to human rights violations?

The abuse of social media can lead to human rights violations in several ways. It can facilitate the spread of misinformation and hate speech, which can incite violence and discrimination, infringing on individuals' rights to safety and equality. For instance, the spread of false news and rumors on platforms like WhatsApp has been linked to mob violence and lynching in some countries. Social media can also be used to harass and intimidate, violating individuals' rights to privacy and freedom of expression. Moreover, the misuse of personal data can lead to surveillance and a loss of autonomy. The unchecked spread of harmful content can marginalize vulnerable groups and amplify societal divisions, undermining the right to social and political participation. Therefore, it is crucial to balance the benefits of social media with measures that protect human rights and promote responsible use.

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