Discuss two effects of desertification on the economy of south africa?

Question: Discuss two effects of desertification on the economy of south africa?

Desertification in South Africa has significant economic repercussions, particularly in the agricultural sector which is a cornerstone of the economy. One major effect is the reduction in agricultural productivity due to the loss of arable land and diminished water resources. This not only impacts food production but also affects the livelihoods of those employed in agriculture, leading to job losses and increased poverty, especially in rural areas where agriculture is the primary source of income. Another effect is on the price and availability of food. As crop yields decrease, food prices tend to rise, exacerbating food insecurity among the population. This is particularly detrimental to poorer households that spend a larger portion of their income on food. These effects of desertification contribute to broader economic challenges, including hampering economic growth and exacerbating inequality and unemployment.

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