How would you describe society during the late-medieval france based from the setting of the story?

Question: How would you describe society during the late-medieval france based from the setting of the story?

Late-medieval France, a period roughly spanning the 10th to the 15th century, was characterized by significant social and political transformations. The society was predominantly agrarian, with the majority of the population engaged in farming and living in rural areas. The feudal system was the dominant social structure, with a hierarchy that included the king, nobility, knights, and peasants. The nobility and clergy formed the first two Estates and wielded considerable power, while the Third Estate, comprising the commoners, had limited influence. This era saw the rise of the Capetian dynasty, which expanded royal control and began to centralize power, laying the groundwork for the modern French state. The Estates General, an advisory assembly, emerged during this period, reflecting the need for broader representation in governance, although it was far from a democratic institution. The Black Death and the Hundred Years' War were pivotal events that profoundly affected society, leading to economic hardship, population decline, and social unrest. Despite these challenges, the late-medieval period also witnessed the growth of towns, the development of trade, and the flourishing of medieval culture, which would eventually give way to the Renaissance and the early modern era.

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