Suggest two ways in which ridges such as cuestas are significant to humans?

Question: Suggest two ways in which ridges such as cuestas are significant to humans?

Cuestas, with their unique geological formation of a steep escarpment on one side and a gentle slope on the other, offer significant benefits to humans. Firstly, the gentle slopes of cuestas provide ideal conditions for agriculture due to their extensive surface area and gradual incline, which facilitates the mechanization of farming practices and efficient water drainage. This can lead to the development of fertile agricultural lands that support a variety of crops, contributing to local food supplies and economies. Secondly, the distinct topography of cuestas is valuable for forestry. The variation in slope aspects creates diverse microclimates, which can support a wide range of tree species and contribute to biodiversity. Moreover, the forests on cuestas can serve as important carbon sinks, play a role in water cycle regulation, and provide recreational spaces for activities like hiking, offering both ecological and social benefits.

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