What is the best reason astronomers have come up with to explain why sunspots are cooler and look darker?

Question: What is the best reason astronomers have come up with to explain why sunspots are cooler and look darker?

Sunspots are fascinating phenomena that appear as dark patches on the sun's surface. They are cooler than the surrounding areas, which is why they appear darker. The primary reason for this temperature difference is the intense magnetic activity within these spots. The magnetic field is so strong that it inhibits the convection currents that carry heat from the sun's interior to its surface. As a result, sunspots are thousands of degrees cooler than their surroundings. This magnetic activity also causes sunspots to form in pairs with opposite magnetic polarities, akin to the north and south poles of a magnet. The complexity of these magnetic interactions is still a subject of research, but the cooling effect of the magnetic fields is the most accepted explanation for the lower temperatures and darker appearance of sunspots.

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