At what axis in the cartesian coordinate system is horizontal motion usually associated?

Question: At what axis in the cartesian coordinate system is horizontal motion usually associated?

In the Cartesian coordinate system, horizontal motion is typically associated with the x-axis. This axis runs left to right across the plane. When plotting points on a graph, the x-coordinate represents the position along the horizontal axis, and it is the first number in an ordered pair. For example, in the point (3, 2), the number 3 indicates the distance from the origin along the x-axis. This system, developed by René Descartes, allows for precise representation of the location of points in a two-dimensional space and is fundamental in fields such as mathematics, engineering, and physics. The y-axis, on the other hand, is vertical and represents up-and-down motion on the graph. Together, these axes form the basis for the Cartesian plane, where any point can be described by its distances along the horizontal and vertical axes.

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