Give four reasons why victims of gender based violence may feel hesitant to report this human right violation?

Question: Give four reasons why victims of gender based violence may feel hesitant to report this human right violation?

Victims of gender-based violence may feel hesitant to report these violations for several reasons. Firstly, there is often a fear of retaliation from the perpetrator or their family, which can pose a significant risk to the victim's safety. Secondly, victims may wish to move past the incident and may believe that not reporting it will allow them to forget it more quickly. Thirdly, there can be uncertainty about whether the incident meets the legal definition of sexual assault or rape, leading to doubts about the validity of their experience. Lastly, victims may experience feelings of shame or self-blame, which can be debilitating and prevent them from coming forward. These factors contribute to the underreporting of gender-based violence, making it a significantly hidden issue.

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