In order to achieve social order functionalists believe in the pivotal importance of collective conscience shared values and?

Question: In order to achieve social order functionalists believe in the pivotal importance of collective conscience shared values and?

Functionalists posit that social order is achieved through the collective conscience and shared values, which are deeply ingrained through social institutions like family and education. These shared norms and values are essential for cooperation and working towards common goals, creating a stable society where different institutions perform unique functions that contribute to the maintenance of the whole. This perspective, rooted in the works of Emile Durkheim and further developed by Talcott Parsons, views society as an organism where each part, like the organs of a body, works in harmony to maintain the system's health and equilibrium. The collective conscience, therefore, is the binding force that aligns individual actions with the greater good, ensuring social cohesion and continuity.

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