What is the acceleration of a baseball thrown to the air at an angle of 45 degrees with respect to the horizontal as it returns to the ground?

Question: What is the acceleration of a baseball thrown to the air at an angle of 45 degrees with respect to the horizontal as it returns to the ground?

The acceleration of a baseball, or any object in freefall, is governed by the acceleration due to gravity, which is approximately \(9.81 \text{ m/s}^2\) on Earth. This acceleration acts downwards towards the center of the Earth. When a baseball is thrown into the air at an angle, it follows a parabolic trajectory, and its vertical component of acceleration remains constant at \(9.81 \text{ m/s}^2\), regardless of the angle at which it is thrown. This means that as the baseball returns to the ground, the only acceleration acting on it is due to gravity, pulling it downwards. Horizontal motion does not affect this vertical acceleration, so even though the baseball was thrown at a 45-degree angle, its acceleration towards the ground as it falls will still be.

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