What is formed on the oceanic side when continental and oceanic crust collide?

Question: What is formed on the oceanic side when continental and oceanic crust collide?

When continental and oceanic crusts collide, the denser oceanic crust is subducted beneath the less dense continental crust. This process leads to the formation of an accretionary wedge on the oceanic side. The accretionary wedge is composed of deep-sea sediments and pieces of oceanic crust that are scraped off the subducting oceanic plate and accumulate on the edge of the continental plate. This geological feature is a complex mix of deformed rock and sediment that can include ophiolites, which are slices of oceanic plate that have been thrust onto the edge of the continental crust. The collision and subduction process also often results in seismic activity and can give rise to volcanic activity further inland, as seen in the Andes mountain range. 

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