What is the impulse of an object moving with constant momentum?

Question: What is the impulse of an object moving with constant momentum?

Impulse in physics is defined as the change in momentum of an object when a force is applied over a time interval. It is represented by the symbol \( J \) and is calculated as the product of the force \( F \) and the time \( \Delta t \) over which the force is applied, expressed as \( J = F \cdot \Delta t \). For an object moving with constant momentum, there is no change in velocity, and hence no net external force acting on the object. Therefore, the impulse would be zero since impulse is directly related to the change in momentum (\( \Delta p \)) of the object. The impulse-momentum theorem states that the impulse on an object is equal to the change in its momentum, which can be mathematically expressed as \( J = \Delta p \). In the case of constant momentum, where there is no change, the impulse, or the overall effect of a force over time, is zero. This principle is fundamental in understanding the conservation of momentum in isolated systems where no external forces are acting.

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