What is the scientific term used to describe a substance that will not dissolve?

Question: What is the scientific term used to describe a substance that will not dissolve?

The scientific term for a substance that does not dissolve in a solvent is "insoluble." In the context of solutions, if a substance is insoluble, it means that it cannot be dissolved into the solvent to form a homogeneous mixture. This term is often used in chemistry to describe the physical properties of materials in relation to solvents like water. For instance, substances such as oil, paraffin wax, and sand are considered insoluble in water because their molecular structures do not allow them to break down and integrate with the water molecules. The principle of "like dissolves like" applies here, indicating that polar solvents will typically dissolve polar substances, while nonpolar solvents will dissolve nonpolar substances. Insolubility is a key concept when predicting and understanding the outcomes of mixing different chemicals and substances.

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