Identify and explain four inhumane farming practices?

Question: Identify and explain four inhumane farming practices?

Here are four inhumane farming practices commonly found in industrial farming:

1. Extreme Confinement: Animals such as egg-laying hens, pigs, and cows are often kept in extremely confined spaces. For example, hens are placed in battery cages so small they can't spread their wings, and pregnant sows are confined to gestation crates where they can't even turn around.

2. Painful Mutilations: To manage animals in crowded and stressful conditions, painful procedures like dehorning, tail docking, and beak trimming are performed without anesthesia. These practices cause significant pain and distress to the animals.

3. Forced Feeding: Ducks and geese raised for foie gras are subjected to force-feeding, where metal pipes are inserted down their throats multiple times a day to enlarge their livers. This process is extremely painful and stressful for the birds.

4. Overuse of Antibiotics: To promote rapid growth and prevent disease in unsanitary conditions, animals are often given antibiotics. This not only affects the animals' health but also contributes to the rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

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