Describe the basic structure of dna and rna?

Question: Describe the basic structure of dna and rna?

DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) and RNA (Ribonucleic Acid) are nucleic acids that play crucial roles in genetics. DNA consists of a double helix structure with two strands composed of nucleotides (sugar, phosphate group, and nitrogenous bases: adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine) that store genetic information. RNA, usually single-stranded, contains nucleotides with a ribose sugar and bases adenine, uracil (instead of thymine), cytosine, and guanine. RNA translates genetic information from DNA to synthesize proteins, with types such as mRNA, tRNA, and rRNA facilitating various stages of this process. Both are essential for the transfer and expression of genetic information. 

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