Explain electrophilic substitution reaction in furan?

Question: Explain electrophilic substitution reaction in furan?

Electrophilic substitution reactions in furan involve the reaction of the aromatic furan ring with an electrophile, which is an electron-deficient species. Due to the electron-donating effect of the oxygen atom in furan, the ring is more reactive and typically undergoes substitution at the α-position (position 2). The process begins with the electrophile attacking the π-electrons of the furan ring, forming a resonance-stabilized arenium ion intermediate. This intermediate then loses a proton to restore the aromaticity of the furan ring. For example, in the nitration of furan, a nitronium ion (NO₂⁺) serves as the electrophile, resulting in the formation of nitro-furan after the substitution reaction is complete.

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