Ernest and josephine hilgard conducted experiments in which participants had one hand in painfully icy water and the other hand on a button to alert the experimenter of feelings of pain. after the participants were hypnotized to not feel pain, participants did not verbally report feeling pain even though they subconsciously pressed the button to indicate that they felt pain. how did the experimenters explain the contradiction in pain perception?

Question: Ernest and josephine hilgard conducted experiments in which participants had one hand in painfully icy water and the other hand on a button to alert the experimenter of feelings of pain. after the participants were hypnotized to not feel pain, participants did not verbally report feeling pain even though they subconsciously pressed the button to indicate that they felt pain. how did the experimenters explain the contradiction in pain perception?

The experimenters explained the contradiction in pain perception by proposing the neo-dissociation theory of hypnosis. According to this theory, hypnosis creates a division of consciousness into different subsystems or streams. One stream is responsive to the hypnotist’s suggestions and reports no pain, while another stream is aware of the pain but remains hidden from the conscious awareness of the hypnotized person. This hidden stream is called the hidden observer. The hidden observer can monitor the pain and signal it by pressing the button, even though the hypnotized person does not consciously feel it.

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