Identify and explain five factors affecting science and technology in nigeria?

Question: Identify and explain five factors affecting science and technology in nigeria?

Science and technology are essential for the development of any nation. However, there are many factors that affect the progress and performance of science and technology in Nigeria. In this blog post, I will identify and explain five of these factors.

1. Funding: One of the major factors affecting science and technology in Nigeria is the lack of adequate funding from the government and other sources. According to the UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Nigeria spent only 0.2% of its GDP on research and development in 2018, which is far below the global average of 2.4%. This means that there is not enough money to support scientific research, innovation, infrastructure, equipment, and human resources.

2. Education: Another factor affecting science and technology in Nigeria is the quality and quantity of education. According to the World Bank, Nigeria has one of the lowest literacy rates in the world, with only 62% of adults able to read and write. Moreover, the education system suffers from poor curriculum, inadequate facilities, low enrollment, high dropout, and teacher shortage. These challenges limit the development of scientific skills and knowledge among the population.

3. Policy: A third factor affecting science and technology in Nigeria is the lack of coherent and consistent policy framework. Nigeria does not have a clear vision or strategy for science and technology development, nor does it have a coordinating body or agency to oversee and implement its policies. As a result, there is a lack of coordination, collaboration, and communication among various stakeholders, such as government agencies, research institutions, universities, industries, and civil society.

4. Culture: A fourth factor affecting science and technology in Nigeria is the cultural attitude and perception of the society. Many Nigerians do not appreciate or value science and technology as a means of solving problems or improving lives. Instead, they rely on traditional beliefs, superstitions, and practices that are often incompatible with scientific principles and methods. Furthermore, there is a low level of awareness and understanding of science and technology among the public, which leads to mistrust, skepticism, and resistance.

5. Environment: A fifth factor affecting science and technology in Nigeria is the environmental condition and situation. Nigeria faces many environmental challenges, such as climate change, deforestation, desertification, pollution, erosion, flooding, drought, and disease outbreaks. These challenges pose serious threats to the health and well-being of the people and the natural resources. They also hamper the conduct and application of science and technology in various sectors and domains.

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