Explain why public health workers promote the use of insecticide-treated sleeping nets to protect against malaria.

Question: Explain why public health workers promote the use of insecticide-treated sleeping nets to protect against malaria.

Malaria is a serious disease that is transmitted by infected mosquitoes. It can cause fever, headache, chills, and even death. According to the World Health Organization, in 2019, there were 229 million cases of malaria and 409,000 deaths worldwide, mostly among young children in Africa .

One of the most effective ways to prevent malaria is to sleep under an insecticide-treated net (ITN). An ITN is a bed net that has been treated with an insecticide that kills or repels mosquitoes. When people use ITNs, they are protected from mosquito bites and also reduce the number of mosquitoes in the area .

Public health workers promote the use of ITNs because they have been proven to save lives and reduce the burden of malaria. Studies show that ITNs can reduce malaria deaths by about 20% and malaria cases by 50% in sub-Saharan Africa  . ITNs are also cost-effective and easy to use. They can last for up to three years or 20 washes without needing retreatment .

If you live in a malaria-endemic area, you should sleep under an ITN every night and encourage others to do the same. You should also take care of your ITN by washing it gently, drying it in the shade, repairing any holes, and storing it properly during the day. By using ITNs, you can protect yourself and your family from malaria and contribute to the global fight against this deadly disease.

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