Find the prime factors of 340 using a factor tree?

Question: Find the prime factors of 340 using a factor tree?

A factor tree is a graphical method of finding the prime factors of a number. To use a factor tree, we start by writing the number at the top of the tree. Then, we find two factors that multiply to give the number and write them below the number. We repeat this process for each factor until we reach only prime numbers. For example, to find the prime factors of 340 using a factor tree, we can do the following steps:

- Write 340 at the top of the tree.

- Find two factors of 340, such as 10 and 34, and write them below 340.

- Find two factors of 10, such as 2 and 5, and write them below 10.

- Find two factors of 34, such as 2 and 17, and write them below 34.

- Check if all the factors are prime. If not, repeat the process until all the factors are prime.

- The prime factors of 340 are the numbers at the bottom of the tree, which are 2, 2, 5, and 17.

Here is a diagram of the factor tree for 340:


   /   \

 10    34

 / \   / \

2   5 2   17

We can also write the prime factorization of 340 using exponents, as follows:

340 = 2^2 * 5 * 17

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