What are the smallest and greatest factors of 340?

Question: What are the smallest and greatest factors of 340?

If you are interested in finding the smallest and greatest factors of 340, you might want to read this blog post. I will explain how to use a simple method called prime factorization to solve this problem.

First, we need to find the prime factors of 340. A prime factor is a number that is only divisible by itself and 1. To find the prime factors of 340, we can start by dividing it by the smallest prime number, which is 2. We get:

340 / 2 = 170

We can repeat this process until we get a number that is not divisible by 2. We get:

170 / 2 = 85

85 / 2 = not divisible

Now, we can try the next smallest prime number, which is 3. We get:

85 / 3 = not divisible

We can skip 4, because it is not a prime number. The next prime number is 5. We get:

85 / 5 = 17

17 / 5 = not divisible

We can skip 6, because it is not a prime number. The next prime number is 7. We get:

17 / 7 = not divisible

We can skip 8 and 9, because they are not prime numbers. The next prime number is 11. We get:

17 / 11 = not divisible

We can skip 12, because it is not a prime number. The next prime number is 13. We get:

17 / 13 = not divisible

We can skip 14 and 15, because they are not prime numbers. The next prime number is 17. We get:

17 / 17 = 1

1 / 17 = not divisible

We have reached the end of the process, because we have obtained a quotient of 1. This means that we have found all the prime factors of 340. They are:

2, 2, 5, and 17

To find the smallest factor of 340, we just need to multiply the smallest prime factor by itself. In this case, it is:

2 x 2 = 4

To find the greatest factor of 340, we just need to multiply all the prime factors together. In this case, it is:

2 x 2 x 5 x 17 = 340

Therefore, the smallest factor of 340 is **4**, and the greatest factor of 340 is **340**.

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