Explain why chamber of mines did not want to employ with unskilled workers?

Question: Explain why chamber of mines did not want to employ with unskilled workers?

The Chamber of Mines historically preferred not to employ unskilled workers due to the nature of mining operations which require a certain level of skill and expertise. Mining is a complex and hazardous industry where safety is paramount. Skilled workers are trained to handle the sophisticated machinery and equipment used in mining operations, which helps in reducing the risk of accidents and increasing efficiency. Moreover, the advent of Industry 4.0 has introduced advanced technologies such as automation and artificial intelligence into mining, further necessitating a workforce with a higher degree of technical skills to operate and maintain these systems. The trend towards modernization and mechanization in the mining industry has created a demand for skilled labor that can adapt to these technological advancements and ensure that operations run smoothly and safely. However, it's important to note that the dynamics of employment in the mining sector can vary based on economic, social, and technological factors at different points in time.

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