Identify the features of puerto rican farmworkers in predominantly white, rural communities that supported their quest for the american dream of social mobility and a middle-class lifestyle.

Question: Identify the features of puerto rican farmworkers in predominantly white, rural communities that supported their quest for the american dream of social mobility and a middle-class lifestyle.

Puerto Rican farmworkers in predominantly white, rural communities have historically faced a unique set of challenges and opportunities in their pursuit of the American Dream. The features that supported their quest for social mobility and a middle-class lifestyle include a strong sense of community and resilience, the formation of unions and civil rights organizations to advocate for better pay and working conditions, and the utilization of their U.S. citizenship status to navigate labor markets. Despite facing systemic barriers and discrimination, these workers organized and fought for their rights, contributing to the rich tapestry of migrant labor history in the United States. Their experiences underscore the complexities of U.S. colonialism and immigration policies, as well as the enduring spirit of those who strive for a better life against considerable odds.

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